Friday, May 13, 2005


Hey all, Benjamin here...
Just wanted to make you all aware that Dwayne and I are headed up to Bloomsburg hospitial today. Dwayne's Mom is in the hospital, at the moment she is unconscious, and has a blod clot in her leg.. there is rumor of cancer and this being a life or death situation. So Dwayne and I are heading into this knowing that the worst is approaching us. So we need prayer for peace today along with wisdom. Dwayne's Grandmother has basically handed all the decision making over to him, so he will probably have to make some hard decisions today.
So with that being said... off we go... Daddy help!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

This week...

Hey all, Benjamin here!
I thought it best to also post on here what is going on this week.

This Thursday, May 12th we have the privilege of attending an amazing concert together. We will not have our normal H2O gathering. Therefore we will not have Wednesday night set-up either. We will be attending the Parachute Band Live Concert at one of our sister churches, Glad Tidings Church in West Lawn, PA. We will be taking the Miller van and also the CLA van. Tickets are $7 each and we would love if everyone could attend. It would be a worthwhile investment of your time and money for this Thursday night.
We will gather at 5:45 pm and then depart at 6:00 pm from the CLA Youth Center. Please consider spending the evening with the young adults and enjoy the road trip!
You can check out there music at:

Also this Sunday we have the SoloParanting Dinner directly after church. The menu is Baked Chicken, Mashed Pots, Corn, etc. All single parents are invited with or without their children. Those available young adults, we need your help! Consider coming out and helping bless those single parents and children in
our church!

Young Adult Service
Join us at 6:30pm this Sunday, May 15th, for our Young Adult Service. Come out and support P. Craig and the other young adults as we take over the main sanctuary. We are in need of helpers, please email heather@fluidcommunity if you are available...We need you! All helpers are to report in the Sanctuary at 5:30pm.

Thanks everyone! It looks like a slammin week and weekend for us.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Calling all Right Wing Zealots!

Judicial Filibuster
Do you know what this means?
fil·i·bus·ter :
  1. The use of obstructionist tactics, especially prolonged speechmaking, for the purpose of delaying legislative action.
It means the judges President Bush wants confirmed are not even able to reach the Senate Floor for a vote! This is Crazy!
It has never happened. They think the right wing has hi-jacked the republican party, well in fact we are the republican party. I urge you to inform yourselves on what is going on.
The courts are deciding what our country believes and accepts.
GO here to contact Arlen Specter (even though he sounds like a ghost, he's real and scary)
tell him to end the judicial filibuster! use E-mail or the phone.